Vacancy for Caretaker / General Maintenance Person

We are seeking a committed, practical, organised individual to work on a flexible basis to support the work of the church and the pre-school and to perform a wide range of duties related to the maintenance of the property and its surroundings.  The purpose of the role is to facilitate the day-to-day functioning of the church and its buildings in close co-operation of all members of staff and premises users.

The post holder will work in a Christian environment and therefore it will be necessary to have respect for the Christian faith and its values and be in sympathy with our aims and ethos.

Good communication with all users of the buildings is important as we seek to serve all those who use the buildings.  As well as usual Sunday services, the church and pre-school are in use every weekday and some evenings for a range of meetings and activities.  The successful applicant will become a familiar and friendly face to all who visit and use the church, pre-school and other premises.

Job description and application form are available below:

These can also be obtained from or from the church office in person or on 01384 892137.

Closing date for return of application forms: Monday 20th January 2025